Providing Academic Support to Students

The PASS Program provides support services to Career & Technical Education (CTE) students to assist them in completing their educational goals. Through Perkins grant funding, the PASS Program provides holistic comprehensive advisement to establish and enhance the connection between the student and college.

P.A.S.S. Applications

Application Dates:

Applications are now open for Office Administration, Human Resources, and Paralegal Programs only.
Deadline: March 10th - March 28th

Apply Now Online

P.A.S.S. Program will not accept incomplete applications.
Applications must be accompanied with a copy of the class schedule.

*Assistance is not guaranteed and is dependent on funding and eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Actively enrolled in a Career & Technical Education Program (Certificate/Associate of Applied Science) and be pursuing classes in your respective major.
  2. For Instructional Supplements: Cumulative 2.0 GPA or higher and must be registered at least half time. For example, a minimum of 6 hours in Fall/Spring semester and at least 3 hours in Summer I or II semester.

    *Unless number of courses are only pending requirement for selective programs or completion of degree.

  3. For Childcare Services: Cumulative 2.25 GPA or higher and full-time status is required (12 hours-No Internet classes) for Fall/Spring semesters. Summer requires enrollment in six hours for full-time assistance and four hours or less for part time assistance (No Internet classes).

    *Unless number of courses are only pending requirement for selective programs or completion of degree.

  4. The PASS Program is designed to assist Special Populations enrolled in Career & Technical Education programs. Must meet one of the Special Populations (See: How Do I check if I Qualify?)
  5. First time applicants must complete E-LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory). Link to the E-LASSI will be provided by Advisor after application has been reviewed and number 7 on requirements has been completed. (Application will not be processed without the E-LASSI completion).
  6. Must submit a PASS Program application once every academic year.
  7. Applicants must complete one hour of mandatory online workshop(s) (two or more workshops from any of the following: Student Lingo - CLE Workshop, Counseling Workshop, or Career & Employer Services Workshop; workshops must total one hour) for Instructional Supplements and/or Childcare Assistance prior to application deadline. Students qualifying for Childcare assistance will be required to complete two additional one-hour workshops during the semester.

How Do I Check If I Qualify?

In order to qualify, students must meet at least one of the following:

  1. Individuals with disabilities.
  2. Individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including low-income youth and adults. One or more of the following guidelines are used to determine whether an individual is economically disadvantaged:
    1. Annual income at or below the  federal poverty line.
    2. Eligibility for Texas Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or other public assistance programs (includes WIC program participants).
    3. Receipt of a Pell Grant or comparable state program of need-based financial assistance.
    4. Eligible for benefits under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 or the Health and Humans Services (HHS) Poverty Guidelines.
  3. Individuals preparing for occupation in  nontraditional fields.
  4. Single parents, including single pregnant women.
  5. Out-of-workforce individuals.
  6. Homeless individuals.
  7. Youth who are in, or have aged out of, the foster care system.
  8. Youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty.
  9. Individuals with other barriers to educational achievement, including individuals with limited English proficiency.

Students with unique or special circumstances

P.A.S.S. Program Provides CTE With:

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