Mandatory Advisement for First-Time-in-College Students
To ensure you are on the right pathway to completion, South Texas College implemented Mandatory Advisement for First-Time- in-College (FTIC) students.
If you are an FTIC student, a Mandatory Advisement Hold is placed on your student record to ensure that you meet with a professional advisor for educational planning prior to registering for courses.
During the mandatory advisement session, the professional advisor will develop an Individualized Educational Plan and address important information such as stackable credentials when applicable and support services/resources available to help you stay in school and complete a certificate/degree.
The professional advisor will talk to you about the importance of only taking courses within your selected career pathway and how to utilize DegreeWorks to monitor ongoing progress towards completion of your certificate/degree.
Remember to visit the Enrollment Center to ensure the admissions process is complete prior to meeting with a professional advisor.
For more information
please contact the Advising Office at
956-872-8372 or through email at