Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I contact a professional advisor?
Students can contact a professional advisor through email, chat or in-person on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- In-Person: At any of our three main campuses ( Pecan, Mid-Valley or Starr). View hours of operation for each campus.
- Email.
- Chat.
- How do I change my major?
Change of Majors are processed through the Office of Admissions and Records. Contact office staff directly to receive instructions on how to complete that request.
- In-Person: At any of our three main campuses ( Pecan, Mid-Valley or Starr). View hours of operation for each campus.
- Phone: 956-872-8311 or 956-872-8323.
- Email.
- Chat.
- How do I drop/withdraw from a course?
Drops or withdrawals are processed through the Office of Admissions and Records. Contact office staff directly to receive instructions on how to complete that request.
- In-Person: At any of our three main campuses ( Pecan, Mid-Valley or Starr). View hours of operation for each campus.
- Phone: 956-872-8311 or 956-872-8323.
- Email.
- Chat.
- I have a Mandatory Advising hold, what does that mean?
Mandatory advising holds are placed on First-Time-In-College student accounts to ensure students make contact with a professional advisor to go over and answer any questions or concerns the student has about the college, degree programs, policies and procedures or the registration process.
- What is my Financial Aid award status?
For questions regarding your financial aid application, status, monies and how the money is distributed, you will need to contact the Financial Aid Department directly for more information.
- In-Person: Visit the Student Financial Services Department.
- Phone: 956-872-8375.
- Email.
- I have a Counseling Hold, what does that mean?
Students who have a Counseling Hold will be required to meet with the Counseling Office to discuss Academic Standing and receive advising for courses.
- In Person.
- Phone: 956-872-2173.
- Email.
- Appointment Form.
- Do my credits transfer?
For questions regarding whether or not the credits earned at South Texas College transfer to the university you plan to matriculate to, please visit with our University Relations, Transfer and Articulation Center.
- Phone: 956-872-2659.
- Email.
- How can I locate Instructor/Staff Information?
To find contact and location information for your instructors, you can find that information on your course syllabus or by using the Faculty/Staff Directory.
- When Can I Request My Parking Permit?
Parking permit requests can made through JagNet.
- Where can I request my Official STC Transcripts?
Transcript requests are processed by the Office of Admissions and Records.
Students can request them in person inside the Enrollment Center at any of our main STC Campuses or through JagNet.
- To request transcripts online through JagNet, Click on the "MySTC" icon and then click on "Academic Transcript." Students can request transcripts to be mailed to a home address or to a college/university.
- Where do I sign up for the TSI exam?
Students who are interested in pursuing a Level II certificate or an associate degree are required to take the TSI Placement Exam.
Students have the options to take the TSI exam face-to-face or online. For more information the Testing Center's TSI page.
- What programs/majors offered at South Texas College?
View list of programs/majors.