Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)

The Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG) is a grant that was established by the Texas Legislature to help students with financial need attend public community colleges, public technical colleges, or public state colleges in Texas. The TPEG does not have to be repaid like student loans.

Award Amounts
The Office of Student Financial Services will award a student $100 dollars or more per semester. There is no guarantee every eligible student will be able to receive a TPEG. Students at South Texas College are awarded based on the availability of funds. TPEG funds are awarded by semester.

Eligibility Requirements
There is no additional application to apply for this grant besides the FAFSA. Students must be meeting eligibility requirements below:

  • Have financial need,
  • Submit the Statement of Eligibility for State-Funded Programs form for the applicable aid year; only approved forms will be considered,
  • Be a Texas resident,
  • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a regular student working toward a degree or certificate in an eligible program,
  • Meet the standards of the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (FA SAP),
  • Be registered and attending at least 6 credit hours in a Fall and/or Spring semester and/or 3 credit hours in the Summer semester.

This grant is available for:

  • For Texas residents,
  • For undergraduates or graduates,
  • For students attending public colleges in Texas.

After funds are awarded
South Texas College will credit TPEG funds to your school account to pay for tuition, fees and other school related costs which appear on your student account (institutional charges). If you are eligible for funds in excess of your institutional charges, after completing financial aid file, South Texas College will pay you the difference directly by: a)mailing you a check, or b)depositing funds into your personal bank account. Final refund release dates are provided to students before the start of each semester; they are published at https://studentservices.southtexascollege.edu/finaid/book_allowances.html.

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