Third Party Programs

Third Party sponsors are other outside sources of financial assistance that are available to our students. Those who meet all eligibility requirements should apply early.

Texas Workforce Commission - Vocational Rehabilitation for Youth & Students
Find Texas Workforce Commission vocational rehabilitation services for youth and students with physical or cognitive disabilities, including blindness or visual impairment.

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA)
The purpose of WIOA is to provide workforce investment activities that increase the employment, retention and earnings of participants. WIOA programs are intended to increase occupational skills attainment by participants, and as a result, improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation. WIOA authorizes several job training programs including Adult Employment and Training Activities, Youth Activities, and Job Corps. Students interested in applying for WIOA should contact their local WorkFORCE center.

Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement (VIDA)
VIDA is a workforce development program designed to respond to the job training needs of the Rio Grande Valley's Empowerment Zones. Participants of the program will be recruited and trained to qualify for higher paying jobs available in the Valley. Long-term training (1-2 years) will be limited to targeted occupations with identified job openings. Customized training (less than 1 year) will be made available through a contractual partnering between VIDA, Industry and local community colleges. Applications are available at VIDA satellite offices. Students interested in applying for VIDA should contact VIDA.

The AmeriCorps program provides full-time educational awards in return for work in community service. You can work before, during, or after your post secondary education, and you can use the funds either to pay current educational expenses or to repay federal student loans. For more information on this program, please visit the Americorps website, call 1-800-972-2677 or write to:

The Corporation for National Community Service
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20525

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