What to Expect at an Ombuds Appointment

While walk-ins are welcome, appointments are encouraged, so the Ombuds can reserve enough time for you. We understand for many, your first visit to the Ombuds may be your first interaction with any Ombuds. We do our best to make sure the experience is as stress-free as possible.

Preparing for a Call or Visit

You aren’t required to prepare anything before you talk with an Ombuds, but you may find it helpful to gather your thoughts—in writing or otherwise—so you can best express your concerns.

Some questions that may help you focus your thoughts:

  • What is the situation you want to address or improve?
  • What do you hope will happen? What do you fear will happen?
  • Who else is impacted by this situation?
  • Have you spoken with anyone else about the situation?
  • What might be preventing you from talking about this situation?

Keep in mind, that people visit the Ombuds for many reasons. They may want to have a confidential conversation with someone who has an impartial perspective and no loyalty to anyone else in the College. They might like help thinking through an approach for dealing with an issue. They may be uncertain about taking a matter through other College channels because of reporting or other concerns. They may need information about other College resources.

Whatever your reason for visiting, the Ombuds will not tell you what to do and will not take action against your wishes. Rather, the Ombuds will talk you through strategies, options and resources for addressing your concern. Additionally, unless what you say indicates that there is an imminent risk of serious harm to you or other people, everything you say to the Ombuds remains confidential. Even the fact that you visited the Ombuds is confidential.

If you would like to schedule a meeting with a South Texas College Ombuds, you may contact us at 956-872-2180, via email at ombuds@southtexascollege.edu, or visit us in person at the Pecan Campus, Building K, Room 2.1106. We can arrange to meet with you at any of the South Texas College campuses and virtually.

Lastly, know that we are here to help you and hope that you feel comfortable enough to be open with us. While at first, we may be strangers, each member of our office has the responsibility to help you in any way we can.

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