What is an Ombuds?
The South Texas College Ombuds provides confidential, impartial, independent and informal assistance with school-related issues to the South Texas College community at no charge. Speaking with the Ombuds is voluntary. No one can be prevented or excluded from visiting with an Ombuds; nor can anyone be compelled to use our services.
In addition, the Ombuds provides customizable workshops for campus conferences, team meetings, department retreats or other College events.
The South Texas College Ombuds adheres to the Code of Ethics, the Standards of Practice, and the Best Practices of the International Ombuds Association (IOA) in providing services to visitors. The four key principles governing the practice of the Ombuds are:
- Confidentiality: The Ombuds cannot disclose the identity of visitors except when there is an imminent risk of serious harm.
- Informality: The Ombuds does not replace or duplicate any available formal process at South Texas College. The Ombuds can only provide informal assistance.
- Independence: Contacting the Ombuds does not constitute notice to South Texas College.
- Impartiality: The Ombuds seek processes that are fair and equitable to all parties. The Ombuds is an impartial and objective resource for the College community.
Ombuds stands as a dedicated advocate for an inclusive and supportive academic environment. Through its commitment to confidentiality, informality, independence and impartiality, the Ombuds ensures fair resolution of school-related issues and contributes to a culture of open communication within the South Texas College community.